Message from the President
The shooting in Las Vegas seemed far away to me. Watching on TV, the reports and eye witness accounts stunned me though. Why would someone do this to others?
Then an email came. An email from the site manager from one of our apartment complexes near Las Vegas. Several of our residents had been at the concert that night and while none of them were shot, several people they knew had been and some tragically were killed.
Two months before the shooting, I had Karen Nicola, of Comfort for the Day (a longtime friend and a new ASI Pacific Union member I recruited), come to my business and conduct a seminar for my corporate staff and all of my site managers on how to reach out to people when someone has passed away. Our focus was, how do we skillfully care for others who are grieving?
Years ago, I realized we spend far more of our waking hours during the week with those we work with than our own families–and in our case, with 10,000 individuals housed in our complexes, I wanted our staff to know how to care for each other, and how to care for the many families that call our properties home. In the email from our site manager, she detailed how she jumped to action, arranging meals from other residents for those impacted by the shooting. Skilled and informed staff taught residents how to be a good neighbor, how to be there for people who had gone through something terrible. Genuine concern, expressed with skill, assuaged the tears and disappointment felt by those at the tragic event. Consider having Karen come to your church or business, as Comfort for the Day got our staff talking about spiritual things, and how to be there for each other during tough times. Your place of work is your mission field and Comfort for the Day is a natural way to share your faith, and hope with others!
Fred Cornforth, President, ASI NW
ASI NW Leadership Team/Board
The second weekend of October was filled with visioning, planning and brainstorming and was driven by this Biblical principle found in Luke 10:9, “The Kingdom of Heaven has come near to you”. What does that mean for us in ASI NW, for our faith community as Adventists? How do we participate with the God-head in such a way that others experience God’s presence too? Through 16 hours of worship, planning sessions, shared meals and discussions, our host, Walla Walla University took great care of us as your ASI NW leadership team/board laid the ground work for our goals and objectives over the next 5 years. Next issue, we’ll start sharing the 6 areas we focused on as we seek to be the Gospel with skin on it to others! Continue to pray for us, as a leadership team, that we’ll serve you and our mission field well!
ASI NW Updates
The audit for the ASI Northwest Financial Statements for 2015 and 2016 is currently complete. This audit was presented in Houston at the ASI NW Chapter meeting on Friday, Aug. 4th, 2017.
New approved applications:
- Desire Media – Cole Larren, New Pine, OR
- Jamie Gavin – Blaine, WA
- Northgate Senior Village, LLC – Terry Mace, Garden City, ID
An exciting new concept featuring the power of video marketing is being discussed…by Gary Morgan, Martin Casper, Randy Meyer and others. These videos would potentially be shared in churches throughout the northwest. The videos would be produced by ASI NW and would be designed to promote our mission featuring “ASI in Action” spots, highlighting our members and ministries…possibly 4-6 times per year.
- ASI NW Convention, in consultation with the Washington Conference will be held April 19-22, 2018. The location has been discussed at our last board meeting to be in Everett, Washington.
- We are pleased to announce that Dick Duerksen (thank you Rick Westermeyer) has accepted the invitation to be our featured speaker.
ASI – Building Annual Report and Directory
Young Disciple Ministries
Zachary’s life had been a roller coaster of spiritual peaks and valleys—and he wanted off. Like other Adventist young people in this situation, he was discouraged. And he was in danger of doing what so many of them do: they give up, leave the church, turn their backs on God.
One morning this past July, Zachary woke up at 6 o’clock sharp to the sound of a trumpet playing reveille in the center of the boys’ camp at Young Disciple Youth Bible Camp. Instead of reaching for his iPhone, Zachary rolled out of his sleeping bag, and prayed. Then he opened his Bible. This was the beginning of a new habit.
At the evening campfires Zachary began to see how he had been letting anything and everything take away his time in God’s Word. In Deep Bible Study class, he experienced the excitement of learning to understand God’s Word for himself. Every morning during his personal devotional time, Zachary saw the difference this time with Jesus was making in his life.
Zachary had fun canoeing with friends, playing in the orchestra, and learning digital photography, and he could see positive changes in the kids around him. At the end of camp, Zachary, along with 85 others made a commitment to staying closer to God this year by spending time in His Word each morning.
Zachary now has a solid anchor for his faith. He has tools he can use to stay connected with God. Praise God for the army of youth He is raising up to finish His work! For camper of staff volunteer information visit

Comfort the Day
Karen Nicola
Author/Speaker/Grief Coach; B.A. Communications; B.A. Religion; B.S. Education; M.A. Quality Education
Are you broken-hearted from the death of someone you love? Please be reminded that many people care about you. Some of them might feel they lack resources to help you, but they still care. Others might be frightened by your pain, but they still care. A few know how to be present with you and will support you through the days, weeks and years ahead. I hope to offer a place for you to visit at any time. While I might not know your name, I understand the pain of grief. I also know the relief of healing. It is my prayer to wrap you in the warm blanket of God’s healing grace. Follow the blogs that can become a friend to lean on with your pain and begin to experience God’s comfort.
I have the privilege of stepping into the vulnerable space of someone’s bereavement for the purpose of coaching them through what I call, “Grief Land.” Each one travels through “Grief Land” on their own unique path. However, those who have gone on before often leave signposts to help direct other travelers. I believe that no one should travel this dark and overwhelming path alone. As a coach, it is my goal to guide my clients towards healing and completion of unresolved aspects of their relationship with their deceased loved one.
In a culture that is not known for its healthy support of the grieving, Karen sensitively explores the grief experience along with you. Having traveled her grief path, she offers compassion and hope to you as you travel your path. Through her blogs, posts, workshops and coaching you will find solace, understanding and guidance.
Hands-On Service Ideas
In this section, we will feature excerpts from the book “Hands-On Service Ideas” in each issue.
Social Injustice
Do you know someone who has been treated unjustly? Has it turned out to be something that could not be settled between the two of them? Is one of them bullied by the other? Has a landlord or government agency or big business taken advantage of someone who doesn’t know how to put up a defense when mistreated?
There are a number of things a local group of citizens can do, such as:
- Set up a volunteer council of professionals who agree to meet as needs arise to provide legal or financial advice to the poor.
- Start a letter writing campaign to elected officials to involve them in helping to straighten things out or correct injustices.
- Invite a representative from Amnesty International or the Association of Public Justice to come speak to your group.
- Have a pastor preach a sermon on how Christians should relate to social injustice.
There are many other meaningful activities that can help victims of social injustice. For more information, contact one of the following organizations:
Amnesty International
Association for Public Justice
AMEN Northwest Clinic Dates
These are the tentative dates through mid-2018:
- Tacoma, WA – November 10-12, 2017 View our volunteer video at: Facebook/Tacoma/Volunteer Video
- Everett, WA, April 20 & 22nd, 2018 (in concurrence with the ASI NW Convention)
- Boise, ID – September 12th-14th
- Bozeman, MT, October of 2018
Other possible locations:
- Alaska locations
Important Words to Inspire You…
“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Isaiah 40:28-31